I just got back from another bike jaunt through the American West, this
time taking a southwestern tack from Denver and heading down to Kanab,
Utah, which served as the launch pad for a 5-day bike trip on the
Kaibab Plateau and North Rim of the Grand Canyon with Magpie
Adventures. But before we get to any of that, I thought I would
share/bore you all with some images from the drive down.
Golden to Kanab. I launched from the casa at around 2:30, which put me
into Goblin Valley, Utah right at sunset. I set up the cot,
opened a celebratory beer or two and lay down and looked at the stars,
which are always amazing out in the desert. This is an important part
of the trip. It’s where you let the grease of the city leach out of
your body. Recenter. Check out whilst checking back in on what matters.
The next day I got up just before sunrise and headed into the Valley of
Goblins. This place is just as fantastic as it was in 1977, when I
first layed eyes on it as a small child. There’s still no Jawas there,
but it is a very cool place.
After some traipsing around, I loaded up the truck and set out for
Kanab. It is only about 200 or so miles as the crow flies. But I ain’t
no crow, and there is a large amount of amazing country out there that
deserves to be zig-zagged through and lingered upon. Savored. I
elected to stay off of pavement as much as possible, so I bopped down
24 and over the Dirty Devil River and into Hanksville, refueled, gazed
wistfully towards the Lonesome Beaver campground (Maybe next time…) and
then headed off southerly. I took Notom road which angles along the
east side of the Waterpocket Fold through Capitol Reef National Park.
That ran right into the Burr Trail, which scrabbles and scrambles up
over the fold and into Escalante, just south of Boulder Mountain. This
is jaw-dropping country. It is on such a vast and alien scale that I
have known people who become afraid of Utah. It just doesn’t relate to
any prior experience or expectation.