So we got through it all. Races. Parties. Movie premiers.  Sleeping in the garage of a big old casa in Pebble Beach.
Monday Grendel and I took a last look at the beach, then we headed up to Laguna Seca to hook up the trailer and start back east.
I put on a Blossom Dearie live album and off we went, down through the valley, past the oil rigs and over to the dry side. We pretty much drove straight to Death Valley. Back to the desert. Lovely, vast, forbidding, quiet, harsh. There's fistfuls of words that could describe this place.

why can't I have a normal dog?

I put on some traditional middle eastern music and opened up the spaces a bit more.

We rolled up into Nevada, immediately got searched by the DEA and arrived in Tonopah for a night's rest at the Clown Motel. No really. The Clown Motel.

The elbow started to feel a little better somewhere out there in the desert.

Copyright Estate of Anthony Vail Sloan 2009